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Weekly Report ~ July 3, 2023 – July 9, 2023

What a Fantastic week of whale watching with Blue Whales, Fin Whales, Minke Whales, Bottlenose Dolphin, Common Dolphin and so many Mola molas!

Multiple Blue Whales encountered 6 days in a row!  Blue Whales are feeding almost exclusively on krill and often swim in circles during feeding dives to stay close to their food.  It is always thrilling to see the largest animal on the earth and an unbelievable experience when they surface close to our vessel.  One Blue Whale crossing the bow of the Ocean Adventures, turned and swam right at us and our passengers fell silent in awe of this massive animal as they watched it dive right and go right beneath us.  Late one afternoon, we saw a pair of Blue Whales “racing.”  This pair of Blue Whales was sighted north of the Dana Point Harbor and traveled 3 1/2 miles as they raced ~ even porpoising lifting their heads before crashing down between breaths!  Changing directions from heading offshore to then surfacing along the coast, we watched as they passed in front of the Dana Point Headlands!  We even found Blue Whales in the fog.  On one encounter, the sky cleared to reveal another amazing Blue Whale in very calm waters.

The Fin Whale Betty (aka Old Faithful) has also been seen on trips this week along with other feeding Fin Whales.  We saw Betty with another Fin Whale and TWO more Blue Whales on one 2-hour whale watch!

Several Minke Whales were found often by smelling their sinky Minke Whale breath before we actually see them.  Watching one Minke move left to right just off our bow in clear water, their “Minke Mittens” could be seen.  Often curious, Common Minke Whales have white bands on their pectoral fins and frequently make close passes.

Pods of both offshore bottlenose dolphin, plus long-beaked common dolphin have been feasting on the abundant bait fish in our waters.  With such great visibility and calm sea state, many days you can see the tiny fish swimming just below the water’s surface.  As these dolphin are feeding, you can even catch a glimpse of the bait fish trying to flee as the dolphin chase them completely out of the water in pursuit!

Sunday, July 23, 2023, join Dana Wharf Whale Watch for World Whale & Dolphin Day with our Special Guest, Dr. Lei Lani Stelle and be automatically entered to win a whale watching gift pack!  World Whale and Dolphin Day was declared in 1986 by the International Whaling Commission and July 23rd is the day each year that the world celebrates these amazing ocean mammals.

an animal swimming in the water an animal swimming in the water a man riding a wave on top of a body of water a whale jumping out of the water a whale jumping out of the water a whale jumping out of the water