Weekly Fishing Report ~ May, 21 2023 – May 28, 2023

Plowed through another week here locally and over at the island.
Along the coast here, 63° water was pretty much the norm. Where is the sun? Man a little bit of sun would really kick things up. We’ve got some great sardine and anchovy mix for our live bait so the bass action picked up towards the end of the week for the 1/2 day trips. Sheephead, sculpin, and a couple of halibut made up the mix for those trips. But good flyline bass fishing on our 1/2 day trips this week and some good fishing on our twilight trips too.
3/4 day still has been on the bottom fish push Great catching in the deep zones out on the 14-mile bank with plenty of bankies bocaccio and chillies. Along the coast, the 40-60 fathom zones have been good too for us. Nice bags of mixed rockfish fillets have been normal for the anglers. In on the beach, we’ve been trying to mix in a little calico bass fishing. Not much kelp in these zones so the open hard bottom spots have been where we’ve been catching our calico bass, sand bass, and sheephead.
Over at Clemente, the Fury has been on the rockfish whitefish program. Haven’t heard about much yellowtail. They’re over there this AM with a WON charter so hopefully they find some gamefish that want to play—seeing yellows this AM but not in bite mode.
Just a reminder we do have an open party 4 pac type of trips available on the LexSea with Capt Christian Sekas. Fishing Clemente or Catalina. He had a good week with some nice halibut and some tanker seabass. One fish went 63 lbs. Great opportunity to get on an open party trio he has dates with availability in the next 10 days or so, but Christian runs a great program, and this would be something you’d wanna jump on.